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Aston Clinton School

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  • Remote Learning Post Lockdown Survey

    Fri 23 Apr 2021

    95% agreed our remote learning offer was clear to understand

    · Communication with the school 98% said it was good/adequate

    · Over half of responses agreed the amount of work being asked to complete at home was manageable

    · 91% of children were engaged and motivated to complete their work

    · Maths—77% agreed the Maths work set was pitched at the right level

    · English—82% agreed the English work set was pitched at the right level

    · In terms of their mental health 86% of children coped ok/well with the demands of home learning during lockdown and were generally happy

    · 85% agreed over the course of a week, comments/feedback on selected pieces of work provided useful advice.

    · 81% said the schools remote learning provision was excellent/good  (96% said adequate/good/excellent)


    What aspect of remote learning did you find most useful or valuable?

    “The teachers engaging with my child”

    “Staff were amazing”

    “Being able to see what the children were working on a day to day basis”

    “The children seeing each other and being able to engage with each other”

    “Seeing the teachers daily”

    “Live lessons were really good”

    “Teams calls”

    “All live calls with teachers”

    “English and maths videos”

    “Everything, the teachers were very professional and all sessions were structured.  Grateful to the teachers”


    We have made adaptions to school routines—What 1 thing would you like to see the school retain post lockdown?


    “Keep the free flow drop offs in the morning”

    “To continue using DB Primary for homework”

    “PE Kit worn on the days they have PE”

    “Parents Drop and Go in the morning”

    “Virtual Parents Evening”

    “Setting homework online—means nothing gets left at school or lost”

    “staggered pick up time so it’s not so crowded on the playground”


    How do you feel we could improve remote learning?

    “I thought it was amazing, my child was able to login and carry on her school day independently. “


    “I felt the remote learning was excellent.”


    “Slowing the maths down, it was incredibly quick moving.”


    “I’m not sure, it was set up very well.”


    “mix it up with live online lessons as well as task setting, rather than using external presentations”


    “DB Primary was sometimes a little tricky to navigate “


    “Overall we were happy but some of the subjects could have different activities for ability”


     “A rule to keep cameras on at all times during the lesson”

    “Online live lessons were missing. Learning new concepts without teacher interaction is very hard”


     I think the balance was right!

    All brilliant, just less live lessons for the younger ones


     Do not use Oak National Academy for English. It is uninspiring and dreary

     I think the best was done under incredibly difficult circumstances to accommodate a range of children’s needs/ ages / abilities

    Remote learning was spot on

  • Children Return to School Survey

    Fri 23 Apr 2021

    The children answered their own survey when they returned to school:


    How happy do you feel about being back in school

    62% are happy or very happy to be back at school

    33% have mixed feelings (happy but a bit nervous/worried)

    5% are not happy


    What is your biggest feeling

    “amazing” “excited” “so so happy”

    “worried” “happy” “a bit nervous because of coronavirus”

    “I’m feeling happy” “sometimes I was lonely at home”

    “ok” “tired” “sad about missing mummy and daddy”


    What was the best thing about being at home?  What did you enjoy doing?

    “being with my family” “riding my bike with my dad” “baking cakes and biscuits”

    “playing” “playing games” “being with my baby brother”

    “playing football” “playing with my toys” “watching TV”

    “playing with my puppy” “staying in my pyjamas” “rushing to do my work so I could play”

    “still being able to do World Book Day” “having home discos” “playing on the Nintendo switch”

    “mummy helping me with my school work” “playing with dad in the garden”


    Any worries?

    “another lockdown”            “coronavirus” “will school close again”

    “I might lose my friends” “going back in to lockdown”

    “being nervous about coming back because we haven’t been at school for a long time”


    One thing you learnt to do at home?

    “backflips” “to tidy up properly” “baking cakes”

    “tell the time” “tie my shoelaces” “drawing pictures”

    “learnt how to plant seeds” “write neater” “doing word searches”

    “bake cookies” “how to communicate online” “wash the car”

    “cleaning and tidying my bedroom” “be kinder to my brother”

    “cleaning the kitchen” “how to write a proper story” “my 4 times table”

    “ride my bike without stabilisers” “I learnt a new game with my sister”


    What were you most looking forward to when you returned to school?

    “seeing my friends” “seeing my teacher” “having fun with my friends”

    “friends” “seeing people in real life” “more ancient Greek”

    “having Miss Hall as my teacher not mum and dad”  “doing work and seeing my friends”  


    One thing you wish we knew?

    “when will coronavirus would go away”  “when can I go to Spain?” “when will things be normal”

    “when will covid end??????”         “when will everything to go back to normal”