Accidents and ailments that occur in school are dealt with by members of staff who hold current first aid certificates. If more specialised treatment is necessary, parents are contacted immediately and the child referred to a doctor or the hospital. All reported incidents are recorded in our first aid book in the medical room.
We ask parents to notify us if their child has an infectious disease. If a child is taken ill whilst at school, parents will be contacted and asked to make arrangements to collect them.
When a child has a bump to the head and it is reported to our first aiders, parents are informed by an email which gives advice on head bumps. The child will also be wearing a sticker to let parents know. In the case of significant head injuries, parents will be contacted by phone so they can seek further medical advice.
Children with high temperatures or stomach upsets should not be sent to school. In the case of sickness and diarrhoea, children should not be sent in unless they have had no symptoms for 48 hours and have eaten food.
If for any reason a child is unable to do PE, we ask that the parents send in a letter or e-mail to the class teacher; otherwise the child will be expected to join in the lesson.
Medicines sent in to school should be prescribed by a doctor and be in the original box or container showing the dosage and administration instructions.
Before any medicine can be given to a child, the parent must complete a form (see link below). Antibiotics must be taken regularly and the course of treatment completed, if they are to be effective. If there is a break in treatment because parents have not collected the medicine at the end of the school day, we are not able to continue the dosage. Please note, we only administer antibiotics that need to be taken 4 times a day.
Further information can be found by clicking on the link below for our Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy