Equality Duty & Objectives
Public Sector Equality Duty
Schools are required to publish information, which is updated annually, showing how they comply with the Equality Duty and set at least one equality objective every 4 years. The need to advance equality of opportunity is defined in the Equality Act 2010.
Please click on the link below to read our Equality Policy.
Current Equality Objectives :
In order to further foster good relations across all characteristics the Governing Board has identified the following objectives:-
Objective 1a: To narrow the gap in attainment between different groups.
How we intend to address this:
Rigorously monitor the progress of all groups, especially disadvantaged groups, to clearly identify any underachievement in performance and adjust provision to support progress. This objective is monitored by the senior leadership team and key staff alongside the school's governing board.
Impact 2022: The pupil premium lead was part of the local authority's pupil premium champion training led by Marc Rowland. Despite intervention, the school's, Buckinghamshire and National data shows there is still the gap in attainment between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children and this remains a school priority.
Objective 1b: To provide additional support for vulnerable children who are at risk of underachieving
How we intend to address this:
Quality First teaching is delivered through staff making adjustments, through Ordinarily Available Provision, which ensure that the needs of the majority of individuals are met within the classroom. The SENCO works alongside the teachers and classroom support staff to identify children who require further intervention, in class support and/ or external professional support .
Impact 2022: 100% of disadvantaged have received additional support via our Tutor led funding and have made expected progress from their starting point but not accelerated progress. This remains a priority in order to close the attainment gap.
Objective 2: To promote Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development through all appropriate curricular activities, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.
How we intend to address this:
Through daily assemblies; these may be whole school, key stage or class assemblies. Through the PHSCE and RE curriculum. By ensuring children have an awareness of different cultures, religions and beliefs through an enriched curriculum. By ensuring children are educated about do not use language offensive to others such as homophobic language, and that any concerns are dealt with immediately.
Impact 2022: The school implemented the Equaliteach programme and there has been a significant decrease in the number of reported incidents regarding prejudiced related incidents. Our school community has grown over the course of the year and therefore this remains a priority inline with the school's curriculum drivers.
Objective 3: To promote engagement with extra curricular activities amongst disadvantaged groups.
How we intend to address this:
Aston Clinton provides a range of lunchtime and after school activities which meet the needs of this group of children. The Office Administrator and Pupil Premium Lead monitor the attendance at these clubs and compare different groups of children (e.g. FSM/non FSM). This analysis then informs which clubs are offered for the next term.
Impact 2022: 100% of disadvantaged children were offered/ or took part in extra curricular activities. This remains a priority to ensure that disadvantage children have equity of opportunity.