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Aston Clinton School

Behaviour Statement

In accordance with Section 88 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, The governors of Aston Clinton School have written the following statement of behaviour principles.


This is a statement of principles, not practice. These principles will be reviewed annually to take account of any legislative or other changes which may affect the content or relevance of the policy. 


Practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the Headteacher, supported by the Senior Leadership Team.


The behaviour policy is based on the following principles:

  • All pupils, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination and policies reflect the duties of the Equality Act 2010

  • The behaviour policy is rooted in the school's ethos: Together we: ‘Aspire, Care and Succeed’ 

  • All children, staff and visitors have the right to feel safe at all times at school

  • The behaviour policy is shared with all members of the school community to ensure that it is understood by all

  • Positive relationships and mutual respect between staff and pupils; pupils and their peers; staff and their colleagues; staff and parents or other visitors are essential.

  • Pupils are supported to take responsibility for their actions and given the opportunity to repair the harm that they may have caused. 

  • All behaviour is communication and governors support a therapeutic approach to behaviour management in line with Norfolk ‘STEPS’ programme.

  • Developing the whole child enables them to take responsibility for their own behaviour by promoting self-discipline and proper regard for authority. 

  • Every pupil understands and respects that they have the right to be heard, to learn and to be safe in body and mind, to be valued and respected, and learn free from the disruption of others. 

  • Encouraging good behaviour and respect for others aims to prevent all forms of bullying among pupils.  

  • Children need to know when they have been successful.  Improved self-esteem leads to improved behaviour. 

  • Praise and positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment. 

  • Promote and support community cohesion - no outsiders here.

  • Consistency is the key to success. The behaviour policy of the school depends upon all staff, teaching and non-teaching, endeavouring to achieve these aims by understanding and being able to implement its procedures. 

  • There is dedicated time allocated to enable staff to build positive relationships - using approaches such as: I wish my teacher knew.

  • The school’s legal duties under the Equality Act, 2010 in respect of safeguarding, pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and all vulnerable pupils, is set out in the Behaviour Policy and known to all staff. 

  • The Governing board emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances. 


Please see our full Behaviour Policy in the ‘Policies’ section (link below).  Our policy complies with section 88 and 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.


Further Information

Banter or Bullying Toolkit