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Aston Clinton School Home Page

Aston Clinton School


We very much value communication with our Aston Clinton School families. In order to support us in responding to your queries, feedback or concerns as swiftly as possible, we ask that you please consider who is the most appropriate member of staff to deal with the issue. This is to ensure that we can best meet your child’s learning, emotional and physical needs.


In the first instance, we ask that you email the school office at, clearly indicating who your email is addressed to and stating what it is regarding in the subject line. For all general enquiries, including any medical related issues, you can use this address and the office staff will help to put you in touch with the relevant member of staff. Queries of an educational nature can often be promptly addressed when directed to the class teacher.


Emails will be acknowledged within two working days.  Staff will reply as soon as they are able to, but if your query is of a complex nature it may take longer to follow up.  We will always aim to provide a full response or arrange a meeting with you within five working days. In the event that you require further support, we have put the following information together as a quick guide to ensuring that your enquiry reaches the correct member of staff: 


Mrs Macdonald, the Headteacher.  Her role is a whole school one. She is responsible for the quality of teaching, learning and behaviour of all the children at the school as well as the smooth running of the school.


Mrs Cole, the Deputy Headteacher. Her role is also a whole school one. She is responsible for behaviour management, curriculum development and, with the Headteacher, for the quality of teaching and learning across the school.


Mrs Garraway, the SENCO, Pupil Premium Lead, Looked After Children lead. She has responsibility for the learning needs of the children on the SEN register. Mrs Garraway monitors the progress of the children and reviews the provisions they are offered with their class teacher.


Mrs Astle, Mrs Benny, Mrs Macdonald, Mrs Garraway and Mrs Cole: The Designated Safeguarding Leads. Responsible for the safeguarding of all children.


Mrs Giles, the Teacher in charge of the ARP. She has responsibility for the learning needs of the children in the ARP. Mrs Giles monitors the progress of the children and reviews the provisions they are offered with their class teacher.

How we communicate with you:

The school has a number of ways that it keeps in touch with parents.


1. The Friday Flyer

This is the weekly newsletter which gives information about the school, forthcoming events and reports from children about their work and visits. The newsletter is emailed to parents every Friday and posted on the school website (please see our Newsletters section). 


2. Emails

The majority of communication between school and home is via email. Parents need to check their inbox regularly and let us know if they change their email address.


3. Text messages

From time to time, the school will send out text messages about school events or specific issues such as school closures due to snow. It is important we have parents' up to date mobile numbers at all times.


4. Website

Our website has a lot of information about our school such as policies, special events and key information for parents.


5. Face to face

When we need to talk to a parent, or they need to talk to the school, about a specific issue relating to their child, it is sometimes better to talk face to face. Please contact the office if you need to make an appointment.


When your child joins our school, you will be asked to fill out an admission form that provides us with your contact details.  Each year we send out a data checking form and emergency contact card which we ask parents to review and amend, if necessary.  Please remember to let us know if you move house, change your phone number, email address or place of work during the year.

What's App Groups

To aid communication between parents, carers and ACSA, many of our classes have WhatsApp groups, which operate independently of the school.

Class WhatsApp Groups

Class WhatsApp groups are a very useful and efficient way of communicating to the whole class. The aim of using WhatsApp is to send messages to an entire group, which are relevant to school.

The messages in the class WhatsApp groups come from parents in their personal capacity or are messages forwarded on behalf of  ACSA. The school does not post directly on any WhatsApp parent/carer groups.

Code of Conduct

Parents should adhere to the following guidelines when using class WhatsApp groups:

  • The group should never be used as a platform to air views/grievances regarding a teacher, child or parent in the class or school
  • The group is not a political platform for airing opinions on current affairs
  • The group should not be used for private conversations with anyone else using the group
  • The group should be used keeping in mind mutual respect and cultural sensitivity between all its members

Please note, the school considers the following online activity inappropriate:

  • Abusive or personal comments about staff, pupils or other parents
  • Bringing the school into disrepute
  • Posting defamatory or libellous comments
  • Emails circulated or sent directly with abusive or personal comments about staff or pupils
  • Using social media to publicly challenge school policies or discuss issues about individual children
  • Threatening behaviour, such as verbally intimidating staff, or using bad language

The school takes safeguarding responsibilities seriously and will deal with any reported incidents appropriately.

Raising Concerns

If you are concerned about inappropriate comments on a class WhatsApp group, please contact your class rep who will contact the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).