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Aston Clinton School

School Improvement Plan

What is a School Improvement Plan?

The School Improvement Plan (SIP) explained


A high-quality SIP has the following benefits:

  • It allows the whole school community to understand the school’s vision
  • It provides everyone with a clear understanding of the school’s goals and how they will be achieved
  • It contains timescales for implementation to ensure accountability
  • It allows the school to determine how to effectively use resources to meet goals
  • It helps the school to budget and determine spending priorities
  • It clarifies the key priorities the school believes are the most important to address at this time


The School Improvement Plan is central to underpinning the school's development and sets out how the school will improve to achieve an Ofsted 'good' rating. It is a document which we believe should be shared with all members of our community.  

How the School Improvement Plan (SIP) Works

  • All action plans run from September to July.
  • Key priority areas address the actions from the Ofsted Inspection Priorities (OIP)
  • There is an action plan for each area of the Ofsted framework, ensuring that we are focusing on the priorities. This also allows for an explicit link between the SIP and our self-evaluation.
  • As far as possible the targets within the action plans are measurable, making evaluation straightforward and precise, and the specific outcomes of each objective are given. 
  • Subject leaders produce Subject Action Plans, which detail how their subject addresses the targets contained in this SIP.
  • The SLT will review this SIP termly (in December, March and July).
  • The impact seen at that point following monitoring/learning audit will be seen in the evaluation section of the school improvement plan.
  • The school’s Pupil Premium strategy should be read alongside this SIP.

Updated SIP summary 2024