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Aston Clinton School

Pupil Premium and Catch Up

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement


Pupil Premium is a Government initiative that allocates extra money to schools in order to help children in certain circumstances reach their educational potential. It is a known fact that some children under-achieve because of their personal or family situation. 


The Government has identified pupils who are entitled to free school meals, and looked after children as an indicator for additional funding. Using this criteria, an amount of money is paid to the school for each eligible child with the intention that it is used to raise their attainment.


At Aston Clinton School we are aware of challenges that face some of our children including lack of confidence, attendance and punctuality issues, behaviour problems and complex family situations. We believe that all children in these categories deserve our support regardless of whether they are eligible for pupil premium.


The Governing Board will monitor the spending of pupil premium funds and ensure that the funding has been used to close the gap in outcomes for eligible children against those of their peers. We will also ensure that there is information on the school website outlining how the funds have been spent in line with requirements published by the Department for Education.


Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.