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Aston Clinton School

Our Curriculum

Curriculum Design

Our curriculum is our unique offer to our children and their families; it is our tool by which we raise standards and enhance children's sense of self. Our overarching aim is:  to ‘grow’ pupils to be the best that they can be.

Our curriculum has been carefully designed to meet the demands of the national curriculum, as well as take in to account the context of our community and the latest evidence on how children learn.  Embedded through our curriculum is our responsibility for the growth of the ‘whole child’. We aspire to ensure that our children understand that education is the key to unlocking a world of success and opportunity, whilst understanding what it means to be a caring human.


We offer a mastery curriculum, which is under-pinned by the work of cognitive educationalist, Chris Quigley.  It is a carefully sequenced, knowledge-rich curriculum which aims to inspire pupils and promote excellent outcomes for all in a progressive, coherent manner (see below).  Our fully inclusive curriculum embraces a ‘keep up, not catch up’ philosophy, meaning all staff have consistently high expectations for all children in our school. Where children have Special Educational Needs, a team works around that child to ensure that they are given the best tools and skills to access the curriculum in order to achieve their full potential.


Alongside the formal curriculum, we aim to cultivate a rich cultural capital where we embed a culture of wonder and interest in the world. We ensure that current affairs do not go unnoticed. Carefully considered enrichment through visits and visitors enhance our curriculum offer and ensure equality of opportunity. All children can experience life beyond their immediate personal context.


Subject leaders strive to become specialists in their field, and work hard to ensure that the passion they hold for their subject is imparted to their colleagues and pupils alike. Having subject specialists enables us to not only provide targeted support to our pupils, but also identify and nurture individual interests and talents.


Children leave us with a real sense of belonging. They embody our values, and have the confidence and skills to embark upon new challenges and experiences.

Our 5 curriculum aims:

We have 5 curriculum aims 1 for each of the arrows on our coat of arms.  These aims are aligned to our curriculum drivers.

  • Standards - We will set high expectations and provide opportunities for all learners to achieve, responding to any learning needs.
  • Engagement - We will make learning memorable, relevant and challenging so that children commit more to their long term memory.
  • Enquiry - We will offer learning experiences and environments that inspire learners to question the world around them, develop their ideas and grow as lifelong learners.
  • Diversity - We will teach children to be kind, caring humans who have positive attitudes towards one another, regardless of gender, race, culture, belief, values, age and need. 
  • Self - Through a holistic approach we will ensure the development of our learners’ physical, social and emotional well-being. This will support their resilience and future life chances.