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Aston Clinton School

Year 6 - November 2020

Year 6

In English last half term the children studied ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. They wrote their own alternative ending and used their Art lessons to produce a watercolour and ink picture to complement their work.

This half term we are looking at biographies. The children have been looking at the key features needed to write a successful biography. 


In Maths, we have been working really hard to demonstrate a variety of methods to solve division problems, from finding multiples and factors, to the inverse grid method, chunking and long and short division.           

In History, we have been learning about the events that led to the Second World War.  Pupils found out about the rise of the Nazi party and produced a timeline to show the chronology of these significant events:

In PE we have started our new unit on hockey with a learning focus of dribbling with control. Pupils learnt the correct way to hold the stick and the fact that the hockey stick must not be lifted above waist height.  They also learnt reverse stick (Indian) dribbling (pulling the ball from side to side).

We are very proud of how hard our Year 6 children are working across the curriculum and look forward to seeing them continue to thrive.

Mrs H Proudfoot, Mrs J Watson, Mrs C Watson,

Mrs Burnham, Mrs Welsh, Mrs Wright, Mrs Miller, Mrs, Graham