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Aston Clinton School

Year 5 September 2020

The last few weeks back in school have been a rollercoaster for all of us. It has been a bag of mixed emotions after so long at home and the children have coped well and taken all the changes in their stride. We are very proud of them.
‘I was a little nervous coming back to school, but I am really enjoying being with my friends.’ Sam B
Since coming back to school, year 5 have been working hard and having a lot of fun. Here are some of the things that we have been doing:
Class reader-
‘I’ve loved the class novel so far. Every page is filled with excitement and adventure. It is filled with exotic animals and surprises around every corner.’ -Archie.
‘I’m enjoying the class novel because you think the book is really exciting and then you turn the page and its twice as exciting, and sometimes even more!’ Sam T
We are all getting to grips with our new maths scheme – Power Maths. The children seem to be loving it!
‘I’m enjoying Power Maths. It has been really fun and tests my brain to work hard!’ Poppy C.
Last week, we researched Pablo Picasso and Cubism and created artwork based on his cubism faces.
‘I enjoyed being back at school. I have had fun doing art because I love art. I especially liked creating our Picasso faces.’ Kiera.
‘We drew Picasso faces and then coloured them in with Pastels. It was fun!’ Louis Price.
Design and Technology:
This half term we are learning to design and create a soft toy of a rainforest animal. Lots of new skills are being learnt.
‘My favourite lesson so far has been designing my rainforest animal toy because I enjoy creating things.’ Izzy
‘I really enjoyed making the pattern for my toy sloth. It was challenging to get the right shape and proportions but once I got it right, all I had to do was put stitch marks about a centimetre away from the outline. It was really fun!’ Poppy R
As we are looking at lifecycles this half term, we started by dissecting a flower to look at all the parts.
‘In science, we took a flower to pieces and saw all the parts of it. We looked at two flowers, one had red petals, which if you put on paper and smudge it, it turns into a sort of purple ink!’ Louis Pillai
‘In science we looked at flowers. We took the petals off and focused on the middle of the flower.’- Lana