Year 4 September 2020
Returning to school has required many adjustments/changes that both the staff and students have had to get used to. Having spent so long at home, away from the educational environment, it was expected that returning to school would consist of a variety of emotions. The children have presented positive behaviours since returning to school and we are incredibly proud of how they have coped with the changes that have occurred within the school. When asking the children how they felt about coming back to school, here are some of the things they had to say:
“I have been excited to come back so I can learn and see my friends.” – Sasha P.
“School has been very different and still fun!” – Ruby S.
“I felt a bit nervous but now I am in school I am ok.” – Maisie H. G.
“I love being back with all my friends because friends are family.” – George Q.
Since coming back to school, year 4 have been working incredibly hard in a wide range of subjects. Below are some of the subjects they have covered and a few comments on how they have found each one.
Power Maths has recently been introduced to the curriculum as a new maths scheme. Although it is a new scheme that was unfamiliar to the children at first, they are really enjoying and getting to grips with it! In maths Year 4 have been focusing on how to round numbers, Roman Numerals, place value and lots more. Here are what the children had to say about their Maths lessons so far:
“We have been learning numbers in Roman Numerals like this – II – that’s 2.” – Eddie N.
“In maths we have been using Power Maths, which I think is a great improvement because it has everything written down ready for you to try!” – Theo R.
“I learnt about Roman Numerals which was so fun!” – Jessica J. K.
In Art, we have been researching Mukherjee and creating artwork based on his ideas.
“All the lessons have been fabulous and my favourite lesson is art. Our topic is M, his art looks exquisite.” – Ben P.
“I really like doing Art because with only a few shapes, you can make anything and everything.” – Felicity R.
Geography lessons have consisted of looking at maps to locate signs and symbols, as well as the children drawing their own maps.
“I loved drawing the map in Geography. I learnt about what the symbols mean on a map!” – Abbie H.
In English, Year 4 have been writing their own song lyrics, writing letters to a ‘special person’ and have had a go at writing their own poems.
“I have always enjoyed writing, but never this much.” – Eva N.
PSHE: Within the PSHE lessons Year 4 have been learning what it is like to be ‘successful’, as well as being asked what ‘successful’ means to them.
“I loved learning about what makes people successful.” – Dexter M.
In science, Year 4 have been looking at different types of plants and learning how to use classification keys to identify them!
“I like Science because we go outside a lot.” – Benjamin W.
“I liked doing Science because it was fun looking at nature and we made leaf classification keys!” – Jake S.
Music: For the past couple of weeks, the children have been focusing on drumming within their music lessons, in particular African Drumming.
“Currently in music we are learning African Drums and it is so fun!” – Gracie B.
Class Book:
Year 4 are currently reading ‘Here We Are’ by Olivia Jeffery as their class novel.
“I liked the Here We Are book because it is like being Olivia Jeffery” - Amy B.