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Aston Clinton School

Year 2 - October 2020

Year 2


The children have settled back into routine nicely. They have been working very hard to do their best in all we do.


We have been busy completing assessments this week and the children have truly shown how well they are now settled into Year 2, taking them in their stride.

We have focussed this week on lots of PSHE, Geography and Art, while also taking some mindfulness breaks using headspace.



We’ve listened to a few stories this week to help us think about our growth mindset and positivity.

 ‘The Girl Who Never Makes Mistakes’ was the first story we listened to.

“She never made a mistake. Then she made an enormous mistake on the stage and she thought it was funny.” Freya

“She thought it was funny after she made a mistake.” Lucy

At the end she realised it is okay to make mistakes.” Jaime.

And the whole class agreed!

We created posters to help each other remember how to cope with making mistakes. Here are a few we came up with.

 We then listened to ‘The Colour Monster’ story, which was about…

“feelings and about different colours that represented different feelings like anger, calm, happy, love, fear, sadness. The colour monster got all of his feelings mixed up.” Seyi

“We read the colour monster story, we drew our own colour monsters and then we coloured them in. Happy was yellow, calm was green, sad was blue, love was pink, anger was red and fear was black.” Evie

We completed our very own Happiness Jars with things that made us happy and put them up as a display to remind us!


This term our topic is ‘What A Wonderful World’. The children have been learning about the 7 continents and facts about each one.

 We decided to create our own globes using balloons!

“I liked the fact that we learnt about our continents and we made our planet and took them home.” Ethan K

“I felt happy because we got to glue them onto the balloon and it looked like our whole planet.” Macy

“I really like making it with my partner. I liked gluing the continents to the balloon.” Jasmine.

“First, we coloured in all the 7 continents and then we cut them out, then we were all given a blue balloon. It was blue to be like the water. Then, we stuck all the continents onto the balloon and then finally we tied string to the bottom so we could hold it. I really enjoyed it.” Isla

“Making our globe balloons was the most fun I have had in year 2 so far.” Lachlan

“We coloured in all of the 7 continents and we stuck them onto a blue balloon. It was fun and I enjoyed it.” Florence


Following on from listening to ‘The Colour Monster’ we had a go at creating our own colour monsters. We drew what we would look like as a monster and used colours to represent different emotions.