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Aston Clinton School

Anti-Bully week

Monday saw the start of Anti-Bullying week when we encouraged our children and staff to wear odd socks, the idea being that we are all unique and different but we can still get along. The children also had discussions during their PSHE lessons about being kind and speaking out if they feel they are being bullied. Too often, people are silent when they see bullying taking place, silent about the hurt bullying causes, and silent when they hear bullying dismissed as ‘just banter’.

During our assembly we discussed what bullying meant and decided that it is bullying when something/someone is persistently being mean/doing unkind things to us. We then discussed who we could go to for help and created our own help circle. 

"We have to stop bullying and look after each other" Aiyaan

"Stop being rude to people everyday" Oscar

"If you do it, it's really rude and you could hurt someone" Sofia

"Tell the teacher (if we are being bullied)" Millie

By Year 3 Fantastic Foxes