This area involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and begin to write. Such letters and sounds experiences are planned daily in the Foundation Stage. Children are able to access a wide range of reading materials to ignite their interest. To help children learn letters, shapes, sounds and names, we use elements of a scheme called Jolly Phonics, together with Letters and Sounds. One of the most important skills we need is to be able to read.
At Aston Clinton, we want children to enjoy reading and develop a love of books and stories. Throughout the year, we encourage children to take books home to share with their families. We want to develop ‘real readers’ and so have a range of books available to each class that include ‘real books’. De-codeable reading books are introduced in the first half term and children will be taken to the library once a week to choose a book they wish to take home.
Children will have a home/school link book that parents and staff can contribute to and note reading developments in. Literacy is also developed through sharing stories, interactive whiteboard activities, learning songs and rhymes, using role-play and drama plus a whole range of activities that develop hand-eye coordination.